Nick & Samantha Wheeler
Investigative Team
Nick has been serving his Country and community since 2000. He enlisted in the US Army and served as an infantryman, truck driver and mechanic. He deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Upon his return, he obtained his Law Enforcement Certification through the State of New Mexico. He served as a Deputy Sheriff and an Albuquerque Police Officer. He worked in uniformed patrol assigned to the Field Servies Bureau, was on the Emergency Response Team, was Field Training Officer, a Defensive Tactics Instructor, a Crash Reconstructionist and had the distinct privilege to serve as a Motor Officer in the Traffic Division. He held supervisory roles as a Sergeant, Lieutenant and retired as the Valley Area Commander.
Samantha is a Graduate of Capella University with an extensive background in Epidemiology. She also serves as background Investigator for the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office. Her responsibilities include conducting interviews of potential Cadet Candidates, Certified Lateral Applicants, family, friends, employers, co-workers and Military personnel. She conducts unannounced home visits to get a firsthand look at how those individuals live. She must complete thorough investigations and complete detailed documentation. Her investigations are reviewed by her chain-of-command. The cases she prepares are reviewed by the Sheriff and he makes the decision regarding hiring or not based on the investigation detail.